1.)The Magi Visit the Messiah – Verse 1-12

2.)The Escape to Egypt – Verse 13-18

3.)The Return to Nazareth – Verse 19-23


What I want us to see in this text that is presented for us is that there are three responses to the arrival of the king.

The first response is found in Herod. We are told in verse 12 that the wise men were told in a dream not to go back to Herod. Herod is about to begin his search. But his search is not to worship the child, but to destroy the child (2:13). The first response to Jesus is hostility. Jesus brings out hostility. It is interesting that people think of Christmas time as joy and peace. But the whole of Matthew 2 is about a hostility that exists over Jesus’ arrival. Why is there hostility?

To simplify the problem, it boils down to a loss of power and control. For Herod, he is the king over Judea and cannot have a rival king to his throne. To put this another way, he is not going to submit to this king. He will kill him so that he can maintain his power and control. This is the ultimate reason for hostility against Jesus. We do not want to submit to a king. We want to be the king over our own lives. We want to be in charge. We do not want to be told what to do. We do not want to be told what is right and what is wrong. We will not yield to anyone. No right, no wrong, no rules for me, because I am free. We will be hostile to anyone who tells us otherwise. This is the message of Psalm 2. Nations and peoples are going to rage against God and his anointed. The hostility will spill over to those who are seeking Jesus. Even the wise men have to go back another way and not come back to Herod. The birth of Jesus is showing us that hostility is going to be the primary response to his arrival.

The second response to the arrival of Jesus is found in the chief priests and scribes. They are indifferent. They know the scriptures. They know the prophecy. They are able to understand what the scriptures were talking about. But the scriptures did nothing to their hearts. They did not have joy at the news of Jesus’ arrival. They did not determine to follow the wise men until they found Jesus. They did not search themselves to find the new king. There is no action. This is also a common response. We can hear the news, we can know the scriptures, but there is nothing that happens. This is the character of many religious people. They do things that make themselves look like they are spiritual, but there is no fruit. There is no life transformation. There is not a devotion to God. At the end of the day, it really is that Jesus is just a mild interest. We are not going to devote ourselves. We are not going to give ourselves. We are not going to be hostile against Jesus and his followers. But we are not going to do much for Jesus either.

The third response to the arrival of Jesus is seen in the wise men. They travel a great distance, sacrificing much to seek Jesus. They will not be stopped until they find Jesus. Once they find Jesus, they worship Jesus with costly gifts. We are supposed to see that this is the essence of worship. Worship is not indifference. Worship does not say that this is not important to us. Worship is about declaring someone or something as the primary life value so that you will give everything and devote your life to that person or thing. If you do not care about it, you do not worship it. If you are indifferent to it, then you do not worship it. If it does not move you and change you, then you do not worship it.

But I want to zero in on one very important aspect about worship. True worship is voluntary because it comes from joy. Authorities and powers can make people do external acts that appear like worship, like bowing or kissing the hand or something like that. But real worship is joyfully voluntary. We see this with these wise men. Notice the emphasis of verse 10. “When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.” It was joy upon joy so that they found the child, bowed down, and worshiped him. Worshiping the king means that we want to make any sacrifice for him. Worshiping the king means we are joyfully seeking him. Worshiping the king means we want to bring our gifts to him. Worshiping the king means we desire to give our lives to him and submit ourselves to him. Worship is offering our gifts to him joyfully.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship. (Romans 12:1 CSB)

So what is your response to the arrival of Jesus? Jesus has come to be with us, reversing our condition, forgiving our sins, removing the wrath we deserve, and making peace with us. Will we be hostile to him and his message, indifferent to him and his message, or worship him for his glorious message?

Matthew wants you to see this Jesus. Matthew does not want you just to see that Jesus fulfills prophecy. While certainly true, this is not the point of chapter 2. The point is to have a deeper understanding of Jesus. Jesus is pictured as the new Moses leading those who belong to him out of their slavery. Jesus has come to reverse your life condition, bringing you from darkness to light. But this offer to radically change your life, give you future hope, draw you into relationship with him, and to enjoy his blessings are not merely to be powerful or successful. This offer is not merely to make you rich. In fact, Jesus even said that the rich and powerful would reject his offer. This offer is truly for the nobodies. This offer is for the hurting. This offer is for those who are considered contemptible and worthy of being ignored and rejected. This offer is not for the popular or for the mainstream. The offer is for the Galileans, that is, those that the powerful, rich, and successful reject from their circles. The obscurity of the king: born in Bethlehem, escaping to Egypt, and growing up in Galilee, reveals that Jesus has come for the obscure. Jesus has come for the unknown and unwelcome. Jesus has come for the disregarded and discarded. He represents you before God, standing on your behalf so that you can be free to love him and serve him. Your hope has come.

Thank you for Reading!

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