1.)Divorce – Verse 1-12

2.)The Little Children and Jesus – Verse 13-15

3.)The Rich and the Kingdom of God – Verse 16-30


So what did Jesus teach?

First, marriage is between a male and a female.

The world is confusing this teaching.

The world is actively fighting against this definition of marriage.

But this is what God proclaimed marriage to be.

We cannot change what God said.

Second, marriage is permanent.

The Pharisees ask if we can divorce for any reason. Jesus’ answer is no.

Divorce is not God’s will. Divorce is not from the beginning.

What God has joined together, we are not to be separating. We are joined by God. Do not divorce.

Third, there is only one exception for divorce.

Marriage is not something that we are trying to get out of. Too many people approach these scriptures trying to get out of their marriages. God does not want you to get out of your marriage. God does not want you to look for a loophole. Do not look for a loophole. Look to save your marriage. Look to fix your marriage. Look at how you can be different to improve your marriage situation.

The marriage can only be broken due to sexual immorality. Sexual immorality is the only exception.

Finally, it may be desirable or necessary to remain unmarried due to God’s marriage law. The apostle Paul referenced this teaching of Jesus in 1 Corinthians.

To the married I give this charge (not I, but the Lord): the wife should not separate from her husband (but if she does, she should remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband), and the husband should not divorce his wife. (1 Corinthians 7:10–11 ESV)

We must support people who make this decision to remain unmarried.

We must also support people who must remain unmarried or be reconciled for the sake of the kingdom. We must be their family and include them in our plans and activities. We can help them with this situation by being the family they desire.

We must have a high view of marriage. Jesus taught us that marriage is serious and permanent. Let us live according to God’s marriage laws and not follow our desires and wishes so that we can belong to the kingdom of heaven and be true followers of Jesus for Everyone is called to make various sacrifices for the kingdom.

Thank you for Reading!

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